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Open Access Policy :

Prtibha Multidisciplinary International Research Journal follows the ‘Green Open Access Policy’. Therefore, all research articles published in are available fully for open access from its official website http://www.vbmv.org.

All published research articles are immediately freely made available to read, download and share without any restrictions, provided the original work is properly cited. Accessed material should be used in ethical manner and lawful purpose and may not be used for commercial cause.

The facts, figures and views contained in various papers and abstracts being published in this Journal are obviously given by the authors of the papers. The Editor board believes in the discretion of the author/s, hence the editor board is not responsible for the statements made or the opinions expressed by the authors.

Plagiarism Policy :

Plagiarism, in all its forms, constitutes unethical behavior and is severely punishable by law; and ethically, it is unacceptable. Therefore, in order to maintain the quality of research work the Prtibha Multidisciplinary International Research Journal strictly adheres to plagiarism policy. Similarity in any form in the submitted article(s) whether it is in text, images, records, or anything else is strictly prohibited. The author/s are suggested to take atmost care before submitting their work to the journal, and verify whether their work is free of any sort of duplicity as well as conflict of interest. They are also suggested before submission of the article the plagiarism shall be checked with standard tools and respective reports shall be added in submissions.

Before submission of the research work the authors are suggested to check plagiarism test through; Turnitin, Urkund Plagiarism Detector, Ithenticate Plagiarism Checker, Plagiarism Detector and Grammarly.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to verify each work through the test of plagiarism and, if the same occurs, to notify the author. If submitted articles are found plagiarized or similar in form, they are rejected or reverted for rewriting without peer review. If the author uses ideas of other authors he/she must sought a written consent before using the same.

Here are some more clarifications on the level of plagiarism or duplicated content :

Below 10% : Research Articles having plagiarism level below 10% may be ACCEPTED after review of the editor-in-chief and the decision of the Peer Reviewers.

Above 10-20% : Research Articles having 10-20% plagiarism are reverted to author (s) for content improvement with proper plagiarism report dully checked by the publishing house and with proper instructions.

Above 20% : Research Articles having plagiarism level above 20% are REJECTED with proper plagiarism report dully checked by the publishing house and the author(s) are informed about the same.

NOTE : Only the level of plagiarism does NOT decide the acceptance of the research article. Different kinds of other criteria of research ethics and standards are followed while accepting/ rejecting the article by the Review Team.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement :

The publisher and the editor board are committed to upholding scholarly publication ethics in every possible manner. The board tries to adhere to the norms and guidelines formulated by various scholarly societies. This is necessary maintain international standards and quality in published work. We expect and encourage all the concerned parties associated with the journal to follow the norms given herewith.

  • Any kind of unethical behavior is not acceptable; the Journal does not tolerate plagiarism in any form.
  • Authors submitting articles to the Journal make it confirm that manuscript contents are original.
  • The authors are warned that their article has neither been published elsewhere in any language fully or partly nor is it under review for publication anywhere.
  • The authors make it sure that their manuscript is their original work and has not been published before.
  • The article should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • If there is/are co-author/s the corresponding author must take his/her prior consent before submitting the manuscript.
  • The author(s) make it sure that the article contains no unfounded or unlawful statements and does not violate the rights of others.
  • The Corresponding author, as the signing author, warrants that he/she has full power to make this grant on behalf of the Author(s).
  • If copyrighted works are included, the Author(s) bear the responsibility to obtain written permission from the copyright owners.
Conflict of Interest :

In order to maintain transparency in publication, we encourage all—authors, editors, reviewers and other person/parties involved in the publication process, to avoid any sort of conflicts of interest including authorship, finance, promotion or honorarium. The corresponding author is responsible for sending us the Conflict of Interest document agreed to and signed by other authors. The authors are suggested to recognize the proper acknowledgement of the work of others, if any and should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work.

Peer Review System :
  • Primarily the submitted articles are considered by us for the confirmation of the standard and the scope of the Journal. If any submitted article fails to fulfill primary standard, the same is rejected and the decision is communicated to the author.
  • If the editors are satisfied, they will select two or more reviewers for detailed consideration of the article.
  • In case of disagreement between reviewers, the matter is resolved by the Chief Editor
  • The identity of both the reviewers and the author from both parties will keep confidential.
Authorship :

As the Journal is in online medium, it is the sole responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure the integrity of publication ethics by complying with appropriate attribution and proper acknowledgement.

The corresponding author should ensure

  • That the submitted manuscript is genuine research work produced by the author/s,
  • That all the other authors are made aware of the submission,
  • That permission is taken from other authors for publication,
  • That the contribution of the author(s) is appropriately acknowledged,
  • That the contribution of other persons or parties, who/which add value to the work in any way is sufficiently acknowledged,
  • That the Conflicts of Interests document is signed properly and sent to us in time.
  • In case of changes in authorship corresponding author can send a request for changes to authorship to the Chief Editor. The Editorial Board of the journal reserves the right to take the final decision on the request.
  • The editor board condemns the unethical practice of ‘Ghost,’ ‘guest,’ or ‘gift’ authorship (or anything that does not have any proper contribution to an article) and take appropriate steps against such practices.

Publication Process :

The editor board is constantly trying to raise the standards of our publications. Therefore we are quite sensitive to follow international norms for publications of research articles. We expect the same kind of commitment from authors to conform to the ethical norms by following our guidelines. We accept manuscripts on the belief that the same has not been submitted or will not be submitted to other journals while the review process is going on. Concrete action is taken against the authors who make a simultaneous submission during the period of peer review. We reserve the right to take action against any sort of malpractices in the manuscript submitted to the Journal.

Publication decisions :

We maintain the professional independence of the editorial board. The publisher does not interfere with anything regarding functional autonomy of the reviewers.

The editors of Prtibha Multidisciplinary International Research Journal have reserve the right to publish or reject the research article. All manuscripts will be reviewed based on intellectual content without regard of age, gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, country of origin, or political philosophy of the authors. If any significant error or inaccuracy is discovered in a published work (with or without the author notifying it), the journal editors cooperate with the author to retract or correct the paper accordingly. If a correction is deemed appropriate, the editors reserve the right to correct the published material and include a dated erratum. Articles recommended by the review committee shall be published. If the article is not found suitable it will be rejected and necessary information will be given to the concerned.

Privacy Statement :

Pratibha Multidisciplinary International Research Journal provides an international platform to publish, read, written, and peer-reviewed research via an edited open-access mode. We are committed to protecting your privacy. This statement will help you understand how we look after, use, store and share your personal data.

By using our site and by registering for any of our services or products, you accept that such personal data will be gathered and stored in our databases. We will maintain appropriate safeguards to ensure the security, integrity, and privacy of your personal data.We do not share personal data with other companies for marketing or similar purposes.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. The data collected from registered and non-registered users of this journal falls within the scope of the standard functioning of peer-reviewed journals. It includes information that makes communication possible for the editorial process; it is used to inform readers about the authorship and editing of content; it enables collecting aggregated data on readership behaviors, as well as tracking geopolitical and social elements of scholarly communication.

We may also occasionally use it to communicate with you regarding the development or activities happening in the Journal. Please note that we take no responsibility for personal data posted on any open forums or message boards.